22 de junio de 2009

ICC appoints a new Secretary General

Paris, 2 June 2009. Jean Rozwadowski, a businessman with broad international experience, was today named Secretary General of the International Chamber of Commerce.

Mr Rozwadowski was unanimously appointed by the ICC World Council at a meeting in Kuala Lumpur on the eve of the biennial ICC World Chambers Federation Congress. He will replace Guy Sebban, who retires on 1 July at the end of his four-year term.

I am delighted and honoured to be joining such an illustrious organization,” Mr Rozwadowski said in accepting his position. “In these times of dramatic and accelerating change, it is more important than ever to strengthen ICC’s mission as the voice of global business in promoting a rules-based multilateral trading system and international cooperation.”

Protectionism and other challenges to globalization must be firmly addressed,” he added.

Mr Rozwadowski, 62, was born in Holland to a Polish father and a French mother and grew up in South Africa. A French national, he has lived and worked on five continents, holding senior executive positions in Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Britain, France, Germany, Singapore, and the United States. He speaks several languages, including English, French, Portuguese, Polish and Spanish.

My professional experience has allowed me to witness first-hand how international business contributes to making this a better world ─ creating employment, reducing poverty and stimulating education,” he said.

Mr Rozwadowski’s nomination was approved by the ICC World Council following the recommendation of the ICC Executive Board. The nomination was concluded after a robust global search which started with some 100 names.

Jean Rozwadowski is the right man at the right time for our organization and for the international business community,” ICC Chairman Victor K. Fung said. “He will lead ICC at a time of major global shifts when protectionist pressures are increasing and the global recession has sharply reduced international trade.”

His experience and contacts around the world should be invaluable for us as we move forward in this challenging environment,” Mr Fung added.

The ICC Chairman praised the outgoing Secretary General for his role in strengthening the organization. “Guy Sebban, by tirelessly working with all the stakeholder groups inside and outside the ICC organization, made us stronger and more responsive to the needs of international business,” he said.

The Selection Committee said Mr Rozwadowski had easily fulfilled the criteria it sought in a new Secretary General, namely strong international business experience coupled with a track record in managing change, delivering quality customer service in member-driven organizations, and developing innovative products and solutions to enhance revenue.

It said Mr Rozwadowski had the personal and business stature necessary to work closely with leaders in business, government, and multilateral organizations.

Mr Rozwadowski was President of the Latin American and Caribbean Division of MasterCard between 1999 and 2004. Previously he was the company’s Executive Vice President for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, based in Belgium.

Before joining MasterCard Mr Rozwadowski held numerous executive positions during a 20-year career with American Express, heading up the Southeast Asia and Middle East divisions, based in Singapore and Bahrain, respectively, and leading American Express operations in Brazil for six years. The new Secretary General also served as President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Sao Paolo, Brazil.

Mr Rozwadowski graduated with a MBA degree from the Amos Tuck School of Business Administration at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. He earned his undergraduate degree from the Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris.

Mr Rozwadowski’s wife is Brazilian and they have two children.

12 de junio de 2009

Indemnización por clientela en los contratos de distribución

El 12 y 13 de junio se ha celebrado en Barcelona el Annual Meeting del INTERNACIONAL DISTRIBUTION INSTITUTE. Han asistido abogados de más de 20 países y representantes de Europa, América y Oriente Medio.

Con el título Critical issues in international distribution: Termination Indemnity to Distributors, una parte esencial del debate se ha centrado en la cuestión de la indemnización del fondo de comercio en la terminación de los contratos de distribución.

Los expertos asistentes han destacado la reciente evolución de la jurisprudencia que, en determinados países, han empezado a reconocer el derecho del distribuidor a obtener una compensación económica por el fondo de comercio generado.

Además de los países que tradicionalmente ya venían reconociendo el derecho a algún tipo de compensación (Bélgica, Alemania y Libano), los ponentes han expuesto el estado de este debate en Suiza, Austria, España, Portugal, Holanda e Italia. En cada uno de los referidos países, ya ha habido algunos pronunciamientos de los tribunales superiores donde se reconoce el derecho del distribuidor ha obtener una compensación equitativa.

La opinión más generalizada es que, a nivel internacional, se observa un claro cambio de tendencia en relación a los criterios que hasta la fecha negaban cualquier asimilación del contrato de distribución con el de agencia. En España, la gestación del proyecto de Ley de los Contratos de Distribución es un síntoma inequívoco de la inquietud e incertidumbre que esta generando el debate.

Firmas globales

IURISPRUDENS es un marco de colaboración entre firmas de servicios legales y de otras áreas de práctica relacionadas que, en el ámbito nacional e internacional, pretende dar una respuesta global y eficaz a los requerimientos de sus clientes.

Nuestro único vinculo es la confianza personal, un concepto compartido de la práctica profesional y la experiencia trabajando juntos. Somos una red informal / no institucionalizada que no tenemos acuerdos formales, compromisos de exclusividad, ni las rigideces derivadas de las formulas de best friend, partnership o jointventures.

La orientación al cliente y la satisfacción de sus necesidades, son las bases de nuestra organización.